
  • +86 757 22367821 [email protected]
  • 中国広東省佛山市北角市林投商務街5-39号42号
  • 販売担当重役: +86 136 2144 3653


Yinghui Ground protection mats are type of specially created mat that prevents the ground from damaging into any circumstances. Road Mats or Track Mats The mats serve as a ground cover to prevent large equipment like bulldozers or backhoes – from damaging the land below. This is critical as the soil may be crushed or destroyed by heavy machinery, especially in areas that are already fragile

Well, it saves money: If the ground gets ruined in a construction site fixing that issue cost loads of dollars and time. By using these イベントテントフロア, your money can be saved in alongside run because instead of damaging something you are now saving it. This means fewer repairs and a more effortless process from beginning to end

When to Use Ground Protection Mats

Have a safe workspace: Yinghui Ground protection mats offer an incredibly steady heavy with surface that makes it feasible for these significant machines to drive across them without any complications. This keeps workers safe and stops accidents from taking place on-site. If employees are secure, they can focus on doing their jobs more efficiently

Festivals / events: If you are looking to hold a large-scale outdoor event (for example, festivals), these プラスチック製芝生保護材 can offer the most substantial and robust surface for vehicles or machinery that require driving access. This is necessary to keep the place safe and properly arranged during performance

Why choose yinghui Ground protection mats?


