
  • +86 757 22367821 [email protected]
  • 中国広東省佛山市北角市林投商務街5-39号42号
  • 販売担当重役: +86 136 2144 3653


A “portable deck,” is obviously, a different type of deck that you can take with you, identical to Yinghui's product 取り外し可能な屋外用床材. That way you have the option of not just enjoying it at home but also taking it out with you for example to a beach, park or even throwing your very own house party. A portable deck is something that can enhance any fun event or get-together. Quick to set up, this provides an extra living space also very good fun for you and your pals You can take it with you via portable deck and the party is going to have a great time.

Transform any outdoor space with a portable deck.

A portable deck makes your outdoor space feel nicer Whether you have a huge backyard or just a small patio, having access to one of these guys can make life so much better, also the ポータブル屋外デッキフロア developed by Yinghui. It is a wonderful way to generate an area inside the vicinity itself that you and your own family can enjoy being outdoors together. Read a book here, have some picnic or just lie down and feel the wind on your skin. A wooden deck brings a touch of whimsy and charm to the patio area. Or, add some houseplants and comfy patio furniture to spruce it up make it perfect for lounging all day long.

Why choose yinghui Portable deck?


