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Signature mat

Hosting an event? That might be a wedding, or it could even be graduation party, perhaps someone is about to retire. Regardless of the type of event it is, you would definitely wish to make sure that everyone remembers it for long period. Photo: The Lounge yinghui 芝生保護マット is One fun way to really let everyone keep your special day in mind, is by having a signature mat.


If you have a special event, want to create memories of the day, consider a signature mat. It would be similar to a photo frame in which people sign and write on your guests' notes. That makes it an even more special memento you can keep forever.

A Unique Way to Capture Memories

What makes a signature mat so awesome, is that it allows you to further customize this element of your theme. You choose the colors and designs that fit your celebration best. Like if you are arranging a wedding bash then readymade heart designs or flowered shown on the mat. Alternatively, if it is for a graduation party an option may be to use personalized mat with the design of a grad cap and diploma. This makes the yinghui 芝生保護マット practical and it also doubles as part of your celebration decor.


Signature Mat — Not only is a signature mat an excellent way to personalize your event, it looks nice too! Guests will love it and appreciate the opportunity to write their own messages. Together they can write whatever thoughts and desires that should also be included in the puzzle, thus making it more meaningful for both of them.

Why choose yinghui Signature mat?


